Lunchtime Talk Topic 31: Bridging Short-Term and Long-Term Memory: Strategies for Sustainable Retention

Welcome to “Bridging Short-Term and Long-Term Memory: Strategies for Sustainable Retention.” Memory is a fundamental aspect of learning, encompassing both short-term storage of information for immediate use and long-term retention for future retrieval. Understanding the mechanisms behind memory encoding, storage, and retrieval is essential for developing effective strategies to bridge short-term and long-term memory. In this course, we will explore various cognitive processes involved in memory formation and retention, and delve into practical techniques and strategies aimed at optimizing memory consolidation for sustainable retention. By delving into the intricate interplay between short-term and long-term memory, participants will gain valuable insights into enhancing memory retention across diverse learning contexts, ultimately fostering lifelong learning and knowledge retention. Whether you’re a student aiming to improve study habits, a professional seeking to enhance memory for work-related tasks, or simply interested in understanding the complexities of memory, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of sustainable retention strategies.


1. Understanding Short-Term and Long-Term Memory: Delve into the cognitive processes underlying short-term and long-term memory, including encoding, storage, and retrieval mechanisms, to gain insights into sustainable retention strategies.

2. Enhancing Encoding Processes: Explore techniques to optimize encoding processes for effective transfer of information from short-term to long-term memory, including elaboration, organization, and meaningfulness strategies.

3. Implementing Spaced Repetition: Learn about the benefits of spaced repetition in strengthening memory retention over time, and explore practical strategies for implementing spaced repetition techniques in daily study routines.

4. Utilizing Retrieval Practice: Discover the effectiveness of retrieval practice in enhancing long-term memory retention, and practice retrieval-based learning techniques to reinforce memory recall and retention.

5. Applying Mnemonic Devices: Explore various mnemonic devices, such as acronyms, imagery, and narrative techniques, to aid in encoding and retrieval processes, thereby enhancing sustainable retention of information.

6. Leveraging Interleaved Practice: Learn about the benefits of interleaved practice in strengthening memory retention by mixing different types of information or tasks, and apply interleaving techniques to enhance sustainable retention across diverse subjects or skills.

7. Incorporating Metacognitive Strategies: Develop metacognitive awareness of memory processes and learning strategies, including self-monitoring, self-regulation, and reflection, to optimize memory retention and foster lifelong learning habits.

8. Cultivating Transferable Skills: Explore strategies for transferring knowledge and skills from short-term to long-term memory in a way that promotes sustainable retention, including real-world application, contextualization, and integration with existing knowledge frameworks.

These objectives aim to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of bridging short-term and long-term memory, and to equip them with practical strategies for enhancing sustainable retention of information across various learning contexts.

In conclusion, “Bridging Short-Term and Long-Term Memory: Strategies for Sustainable Retention” has provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of memory processes and practical strategies for optimizing memory retention across various learning contexts. Through exploration of encoding techniques, spaced repetition, retrieval practice, mnemonic devices, interleaved practice, metacognitive strategies, and transferable skills, participants have gained valuable insights into bridging short-term and long-term memory effectively. By implementing these strategies in their daily routines and learning endeavors, participants are empowered to enhance sustainable retention of information, fostering lifelong learning habits and knowledge retention. As participants continue to apply and adapt these strategies to their individual learning styles and goals, they will experience the transformative benefits of optimized memory retention in both personal and professional domains, ultimately leading to enhanced cognitive performance and proficiency.

Date & Time: Drop us a message below for the latest dates, 9 AM – 5 PM
Fees: S$1289.97 (NO GST)
Location: Live Online Learning with a Trainer
Max Class Size: Unlimited

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